Pulling data from LeasePilot can be overwhelming – the result contains all of the information we support which some of it is not applicable to you. So how do you make sense of it all?
We suggest doing live discovery. A software engineer should login to LeasePilot and create a new document for testing purposes (we can set you up with our demo environment if needed).
Prerequisites – create bookmarklet helper
- In Google Chrome, make sure your bookmarks bar is showing by clicking on CMD+SHIFT+B for macOS or CTRL+SHIFT+B for Windows
- Right click on the bookmarks bar and select the option “Add Page”
- In the dialog opened, set the name as “Save LeasePilot Data” and the URL as
javascript:!function(){var e,t,n,o;result=JSON.stringify(function e(t){if(!t||"object"!=typeof t)return t;if("Array"===t.constructor.name)return t.map(t=>e(t));let n={};return Object.keys(t).forEach(o=>{let r=t[o],a=_.snakeCase(o);n[a]=e(r)}),n}(window.lease),null,2),e=result,t=document.createElement("a"),n=new Blob([e],{type:"application/json"}),o=URL.createObjectURL(n),t.href=o,t.download="leasepilot.json",document.body.appendChild(t),t.click()}();
- Click the “Save” button
- You should now have a new button under your bookmark bar named “Save LeasePilot Data”

- Click on the “LeasePilot Save Data” bookmarklet. Rename the file as
- Using the left-hand editor, change the terms of the deal
- Click on the “LeasePilot Save Data” bookmarklet again. Rename the file as
- Compare these two files. we’re using Visual Studio Code but feel free to use any JSON comparing tool such as https://json-diff.com/
- Review the changes

đźš© This is an iterative learning process to help you understand how the model changes as deal terms evolve in LeasePilot. Feel free to re-do it and educate yourself on how exactly the JSON should change to create the correct effect.
Creating a LeasePilot object
By following the instructions above, you can understand how the LeasePilot object is defined, create your own object and use LeasePilot CREATE API
to create the document in LeasePilot.
Special fields
Here’s an example on how to pass notes to LeasePilot as part of the object:
"document": {
"id": 99999,
"created_at": "2020-05-17T17:13:14.000Z",
"notes_attributes": [{
"parent_attribute": "Proposal Notes",
"text": "Building RSF: 178,555\\nPro Rata Share: 1.0260%\\nLCD Type: Floating; The Commencement Date for purposes of Monthly Base Rent and the Lease Term shall be the earlier of substantial completion of Landlord’s Work or January 1, 2021.",
"category": null
}, {
"parent_attribute": "RecoveryIncome",
"text": "OperationalExpense: Tenant shall pay its proportionate share of any increase in the Building’s Operating Expenses in excess of a 2021 base year. Such Operating Expenses shall be calculated to reflect a Building occupancy of one hundred percent (100%) and fully assessed for real estate tax purposes.\\n\\nTenant shall not be responsible to pay for any increase in controllable Operating Expenses (which is to be defined in the Lease) in excess of six percent (5%) over any one (1) year from previous year and shall be further referenced in the Lease. Tenant’s right to audit Landlord’s Operating Expenses shall be addressed in Lease.",
"category": "additional-expenses-i-icon"
}, {
"parent_attribute": "Reimbursements",
"text": "Tenant shall pay its proportionate share of any increase in the Building’s Operating Expenses in excess of a 2021 base year. Such Operating Expenses shall be calculated to reflect a Building occupancy of one hundred percent (100%) and fully assessed for real estate tax purposes.\\n\\nTenant shall not be responsible to pay for any increase in controllable Operating Expenses (which is to be defined in the Lease) in excess of six percent (5%) over any one (1) year from previous year and shall be further referenced in the Lease. Tenant’s right to audit Landlord’s Operating Expenses shall be addressed in Lease.",
"category": "reimbursements-opex-i-icon"
}, {
"parent_attribute": "Right - Other",
"text": "Tenant shall have access 24 hours per day, 7 days per week, 52 weeks per year to the Premises, Building and the parking facilities.\\n\\nLandlord, as part of the Operating Expenses, shall furnish heating, ventilation and air-conditioning (“HVAC”) service to the Premises for normal office usage, Monday through Friday, from 8:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. and Saturdays from 8:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. except for recognized national and state holidays. Landlord shall provide, upon Tenant’s prior request, after-hour HVAC under terms and conditions established by Landlord, including Tenant’s payment of Landlord’s standard charge (currently $45.00 per hour).",
"category": null
}, {
"parent_attribute": "Right - Other",
"text": "Tenant shall not be responsible to pay for any increase in controllable Operating Expenses (which is to be defined in the Lease) in excess of six percent (5%) over any one (1) year from previous year and shall be further referenced in the Lease. Tenant’s right to audit Landlord’s Operating Expenses shall be addressed in Lease.",
"category": null
}, {
"parent_attribute": "Right - Parking",
"text": "The Building’s parking facility is designed to accommodate 3.5 parking spaces per 1,000 usable square feet of the Premises for the Term of the Lease. Such parking spaces shall be located in the parking facility located adjacent to the Building and shall be leased at prevailing marketing rates.\\n\\nTenant shall have the right but not obligation to lease five (5) total spaces, one (1) of which shall be covered reserved and four (4) shall be unreserved covered spaces. \\n\\nMonthly Parking rates are currently $110.00 for covered reserved spaces and $75.00 for unreserved covered spaces. As a concession, the Landlord will discount two covered unreserved parking by (100%) for the first two (2) years of the Lease Term.\\n\\nThe License Fee is due monthly in advance, as Additional Rent, on the 1st day of each calendar month during the Lease Term, beginning as of the Commencement Date.",
"category": "parking-i-icon"
}, {
"parent_attribute": "Right - Renewal",
"text": "Tenant shall have one (1) option to extend the Term of the Premises for an additional period of five (5) years (“Option Term”), on the same terms, covenants and conditions as provided for in Tenant’s existing Lease except for the Monthly Base Rent which shall be at prevailing Fair Market Rent. The renewal option shall be exercisable by written notice to Landlord not less than nine (9) months, nor more than twelve (12) months prior to the end of the Lease Term. Prevailing Fair Market Rent (“FMR”) shall be defined in the Lease document.",
"category": "renewal-i-icon"
}, {
"parent_attribute": "Right - Signage",
"text": "Landlord shall provide lobby directory signage and suite identification signage, wherein all costs associated with the construction and installation of such signage shall be at Tenant’s sole cost and expense.",
"category": null
}, {
"parent_attribute": "Right - Sublease",
"text": "Tenant shall have the right to sublease all or a portion of Premises during the Term of the Lease to qualified tenant(s) subject to Landlord’s approval, which shall not be unreasonably withheld or delayed. Tenant shall have the right, without Landlord’s approval, under certain circumstances to be further defined in the Lease document, to assign or sublease the Premises to any wholly owned affiliate or subsidiary of Tenant by providing Landlord written notice within thirty (30) days of such assignment (“Permitted Assignees”).",
"category": "has-permitted-transfer-i-icon"
}, {
"parent_attribute": "Tenant Improvements",
"text": "Ti Allowance inserted in VTS:\\n\\u003cbr/\\u003e1. Occurs in (mo): 1, Amount: 18320.0, Units: Total, Description: Tenant shall accept the Premises in it’s current “as is” condition, however Landlord shall paint the premises, replace the existing laminate flooring in reception area with new Building Standard laminate flooring to ensure all laminate is one color, clean the vents, repair or replace discolored / damaged / missing ceiling tiles, faceplates, electrical outlets, etc.",
"category": "tenant-improvement-i-icon"
The parent_attribute
field describes the name of the category of notes shown in LeasePilot notes dialog
The text
field contains the note body
The category
field describes the location of the note in the left hand editor in LeasePilot.
To add a note to a group of predefined list of fields, please use one of the following options:
Multiple Premise_Suites: suite-sizes-i-icon
Multiple Terms Renewal Option: renewal-i-icon
Multiple Terms Renewal Rent: renewal-i-icon
Credit Support: security-deposit-i-icon
Guaranties: lease-guarantor-i-icon
Relocation: relocation-i-icon
Brokers: brokers-i-icon
Permitted Transfer: has-permitted-transfer-i-icon
Tenant Improvement: tenant-improvement-i-icon
Landlord Work: landlord-work-i-icon
Premises Modification: premises-modification-description-i-ico
Premise Space: space-i-icon
Premise MRI Suites: mri-suites-i-icon
Additional Expenses: additional-expenses-i-icon
Audit Right: audit-rights-i-icon
Reimbursements OpEx: reimbursements-opex-i-icon
Reimbursements Tax Base Year: reimbursements-tax-base-year-i-icon
Apply Increase to Renewals: lease-has-apply-increase-to-renewals-i-icon
Renewal: renewal-i-icon
Sales Reporting Frequency: sales-reporting-frequency-i-icon
Parking : parking-i-icon
Expansion: expansion-i-icon
Expansion Rent Type: expansion-rent-type-i-icon
ROFO: rofo-i-icon
Tenant Information: tenant-termination-i-icon
Kick Out: kick-out-i-icon
Go Dark: lease-has-go-dark-i-icon
Opening Co-Tenancy: lease-opening-co-tenancy-i-icon
Opening Ongoing-Tenancy: lease-ongoing-co-tenancy-i-icon
ROFR: rofr-i-ico
Term: term-i-icon
Free Rent: free-rent-i-icon
Fixturing Period: lease-fixturing-period-i-icon
Tenant Improvement Anticipated Delivery Date: premises-improvements-ti-anticipated-delivery-date-i-icon
Base Rent: base-rent-i-icon
Rent Periods: base-rent-rent-periods-in-months-i-icon
To add a note to specific control, you need to construct the category
be concatenating the name of the fields in the object tree and camelCasing the keys as folllows:
Lets take this example:
"document": {
"id": 99999,
"created_at": "2020-05-17T17:13:14.000Z",
"tenant_info": {
"name":"John Doe",
"address1":"109 State Street",
If we want to add a note to the name of the tenant, the category will be tenantInfo.name