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Last week, LeasePilot Co-founder and CEO Gabriel Safar joined Chris Rising on “The Real Market” podcast to talk about the intersection of tech and commercial real estate leasing. The two discuss the common roadblocks leasing professionals face and how tech offers solutions.

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I foresee a time in the not-too-distant future where this technology is where all leases are done. —Chris Rising

During the interview, Gabriel references some LeasePilot blog content, which we’ve linked below.

The Call Center Model

Adopt this clever strategy during the negotiation process and tenants are much more likely to conclude that many of their requests are unnecessary. The best part? They come to this conclusion on their own. Read More »

Get your Outside Counsel on Fixed Fees (and Have them Love it)

Most CRE companies using outside counsel would jump at the chance to pay their lawyers a flat fee for every deal. Law firms, however, aren’t typically so enthusiastic about the idea. So how can you get your outside counsel on board with flat fees? One of our customers came up with a pretty clever solution. Read More »

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